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Problem deploying a CMP entity bean. Weblogic canot load the data s

  Asked By: Matilda    Date: Sep 27    Category: Java    Views: 1055

While trying to deploy a CMP entity bean I am getting the following

"The DataSource with the JNDI name: STSDataSource could not
be located. Please ensure that the DataSource has been deployed
successfully and that the JNDI name in your EJB Deployment descriptor
is correct."

I have confirmed that JNDI name in the descriptor is correct and the
data source is deployed correctly. Whats the problem then?? Need
urgent assistance on this issue.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Geb Chalthoum     Answered On: Sep 27

First of all make sure that you've successfully
deployed your datasource  to the target Managed Servers or
target clusters.
from Administration console select your datasource,
Click on Targets->Servers
add Managed Servers (or clusters)
from Available list to Chosen list then
apply changes.
You can also view jndi  tree to make sure
that you've successfully added the datasource,
to see JNDI Tree right click on your Server node(exm.
and select 'View JNDI Tree' from the popup menu.
If you see the jndi name of your datasource then you've
successfully deployed it and you can try again to deploy  your CMP entity

