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Populate a "summary" sheet

  Asked By: Dai    Date: Dec 23    Category: MS Office    Views: 783

I have about 10 minutes of VBA experience so i am hoping to
get some help. I have a bunch of models for estimates of revenue.
There is also a summary sheet that has some information from each
workbook. The cell references are always the same, just different
workbooks. All workbooks are in the same folder. What i would like
to do is have the summary open and have a macro open all other
workbooks one at a time, get information from three separate sheets,
input into the summary, close the workbook (do not need to save),
advance to the next line on the summary, and repeat the process. Any
help is greatly appreciated and do not be afraid to dumb-down any



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ziza Mizrachi     Answered On: Dec 23

It sounds like you're asking if someone could write a script for you.
Try this first:

In the summary  file:
Do you have the Visual Basic Toolbar open?
Try recording a macro.
then open  one of the other workbooks.
Copy one piece of data from that workbook  to your Summary.
Close the other workbook.
Stop recording.

Now look at your module in the VBA editor.
it will give you the code necessary to open and close  the other workbooks.
It will also show you cell  references.

If you'll post what THIS macro  looks like,
and tell me which cells you want to copy from the 2nd workbook
and where in the summary workbook they are to go,
I can help  you write a short script.

What you're asking is fairly simple.
The information  you've given is SEVERELY lacking.

give it a shot and see what you come up with.

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