I am using DataTable in JSF (Java Server Faces) with IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD 5.1.2) and need to do te following:
I created a JSP page with JSF support, it has a DataTable that reads an aray from a session Java Bean and needs to add a row select to it.
I added the row select and need to do the following:
I want to select a row from the DataTable structure and send its row data over session to another page to be updated or viewd alone.
This would need a CommandButton to approve the single/multiple row select from the DataTable as to submit the form with selected data rows from current page to the target page.
How can I do this?
I managed to do the row select and the button, yet need to know if there is any code to include?
And for the destination page, how do I construct the web component to read the selected row(s) from the target page?
I need a details example explanation or a URL with much info about this problem.
I checked the IBM WSAD 5.1.2 help for [Enabling Data Table row selection] as well as [Passing Parameters with a Data Table]
Please, I am running out of time and need your support..