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Passing Dynamic value as parameter in range

  Asked By: Molly    Date: Nov 07    Category: MS Office    Views: 928

I to populate the data in worksheet from the database from various
sql scripts, I dont know the number of records populated by a query,
but as soon as one query is done other query should populate the
data in next row, so after every query execution i am using this code
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _

LastRow = LastRow + 1
to get the last row. Now for another query i want to pass the
parameter for Range. please suggest what can be used??

This code which i am using is not working:

ThisWorkbook.ImportFromTable(request, name, Sheets(i).Range("B" &
LastRow), xlVertical, False)



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Grady Stewart     Answered On: Nov 07

Not clear what you're actually trying to do here. You seem to be trying to
use LastRow before you create it, but I can't tell because you have omitted
the important lines of code.

Please provide the full code  involved.

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