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Not able to able get on my linux boot

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 509

Well not sure what I did last night but this morning I can't get onto my
While booting I select the Ubuntu boot section, and it seems to come up.
My screen goes blank and never comes back. I think I remember seeing the
screen with Ubuntu across it and the small dots like norma, then it appears
though it goes the flash screen for the auto log in, which I don't see. I
wait just in case
that is the case and still nothing comes back.
First I was playing with the X config area and created an xorg.conf file
with just the
items gsnaptics is expecting according to the error message. I bet some how
is messing other things up. I can't remember if I rebooted into linux last
night after
playing with that or not. My bet now it I didn't. What I am going to do now
is boot
up using the live CD and moung Linux and see if I can rename or remove that
file and try again.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

I know it is not the way to learn but I forget half of what I have
learned anyhow.
When I mess the system up I boot into repair rather than the standard
boot selection at the grub screen. Most of the time that works for me.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 03    

Yes I usually learn more when things screw up for me rather
than if things go right. I did get my GUI back by booting into
recovery mode and getting the console or what ever it is called
and made my corrections and rebooted. There have been a lot
of changes since I did this back in the old days.

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