I installed a new harddrive in my computer and I went ahead and installed a copyof Win7 and then a copy of 10.04. So now I can't get a chioce of which OS toboot cause I can't move the cursor in Grub. It just gives me the top choiceafter I think 10 seconds. My keyboard is a USB wireless Logitech. It worksfine in the BIOS setup and when I get into Ubuntu, but just doesn't work inGrub. Any ideas to remedy this? Also there's a lot of buttons that arecurrently not working on the keyboard. These are the option buttons. Thekeyboard is Logitech 920-000264.
Ty it with other keyboards.What about an old fashioned PS2 one, if you have a socket for that?
I use a wired keyboard to properly install os's.I make sure the os's are installed,and properly updated,then I'll plug in the wireless,leaving the wired one temporarilyplugged in til the wireless works properly.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I can get control with a wired PS2 keyboard noproblem. Ubuntu is completely up to date too.
I had a similar problem some time ago with a low cost and low featureskeyboard. Chuck the other one.
I have done all the alpha and beta and final 10.04 and have had no trouble withmy Logitec wireless keyboard, but I have had trouble with my usb wifi adapternot switching on when I boot up. I have not used a wired keyboard for a coupleof years.I would suggest selecting a higher priority usb socket connected direct to themother board and not via a usb hub which may not be active in the early bootsequence. (Check any diode indicators on your wireless adapter)
Is it possible for you to go into BIOS and switch to a USB keyboard there?