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MIPS assembly language program to do the following: ? Read a string and store it in memory

  Asked By: Mohamed    Date: May 13    Category: Assembly Language    Views: 462

Write a MIPS assembly language program to do the following:
? Read a string and store it in memory. Limit the string length to 100 characters. Then, convert each letter to a number. Letter ‘A’ or ‘a’ is equal to 1. Letter ‘B’ or ‘b’ is equal to 2. Finally, letter ‘Z’ or ‘z’ is equal to 26. All other characters, digits, or spaces should be discarded (not counted).
? Compute the string value as the sum of all letter values, and display the string value as an integer.
? At the end, ask the user whether he wants to repeat the program. Here is a sample run:
Enter a string (max 100 chars): MIPS programming is fun.
String value = 257
Repeat (Y/N)? n



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