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M$ device enables police to spy on Windows users

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 393

I said, I would not respond meaning not get drawn into a discussion, however I
would only like to explain why I posted it. Hopefully this will end it. It was
an information piece not a discussion one.

With the trend towards improved security and worries about identity theft, this
goes against that trend. It has to do with open source in that many of us run
mixed systems and many of us get into discussions on how to improve security. We
need to know what is happening, so that we can make wise decisions and advise
others properly.

I am not sure what this does to any claims that are made of Vista's improved
security, if when you buy a new computer you are giving the police open access
to it. Many people see their computers as being highly personal. Would you buy a
car, if it you knew that someone could plug in a device and track your movements
or a DVD player that told what you were watching?

I used the word spying because once these devices are in police hands Microsoft
loses any control over what they are used for and in the U.S. the police have
been given extraordinary freedom to spy domestically. Finally, one has to ask
the question what happens if such devices fall into the wrong hands? How long
before we see them on the internet for sale? People run encryption on their
laptops so that if it is stolen their data is secure. What happens now?

I don't want this to get into a discussion about homeland security, kiddie porn
or bashing Windows or M$. I want people to know what is happening and think
about the implications. I do not live in the States, so this does not affect me
until they get into the wrong hands. If the technology can be put onto a flash
drive, then it can be used in other ways. They only need to access your computer
and any security measures you have taken are breached. I am sure that Microsoft
was well intentioned, but as in all things political there are many sides to the
argument. I want to end crime and stop terrorists as much as anyone, but I also
want to know that my personal information is secure.

It is one of those stories that tends to go unnoticed, until someday the
chickens come home to roost. Just keep it in the back of your mind, that is all.



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