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  Asked By: Kevin    Date: Oct 07    Category: Java    Views: 804

Does any body know where should I copy a new HTML page in Tomcat
directories ?
When I create a new HTML page and copy it in the following path :
(Where other Tomcat example pages are located!)

I got the following Error :

HTTP Status 404,



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ginger Snyder     Answered On: Oct 07

I'm not too sure what you're trying to do. But I guess you can make a war file and copy it in webapps. That would do it. otherwise I'm lost then.

Answer #2    Answered By: Jimmy Abp     Answered On: Oct 07

I'm trying to create a web page(an HTML file) in an environment such as MS-Front Page
And load it Through Jakarta-Tomcat Examples Web Page.

Answer #3    Answered By: Rickey Scott     Answered On: Oct 07

Well, my understanding is If you're using Tomcat, you want yout html to be the user interface to some background logic such as servlet/ejb. if that's correct, just write your html, deploy that using a deploytool, make the deployment descriptor. the deploytool will create a .war file for you and then put the war file inwebapps directory and then restart tomcat server. that will solve it.

usually when you're talking about tomcat , it means you're trying to make a web app so that's the way to do it usually.

Answer #4    Answered By: Monique Perry     Answered On: Oct 07

copy a new HTML page to webapps\ROOT
if you are running locally
the url would be


If for any reason it did not work find where jakarta-banner.gif , and index.jsp
that would be the root directory of your tomcat server.

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