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Help with an Inventory

  Asked By: Raihan    Date: Sep 03    Category: C Programming    Views: 1273

You need a point of sale system for the new grocery store.

The main features of the program are:

1) Enter a Product:
This feature allows user to enter a new product into the system. Program asks store owner to enter a product name (e.g. Snicker, SpringWater etc), quantity (how many of this product in inventory), and sale price. Assume that product name does not have any space in it. If the product already exists, tell store owner that the product is already in inventory.
2) Change Inventory
This feature allows store owner to change the quantity of a product in the inventory. Program asks user for the name of the product and new quantity. It will search the products in the system, find the product user specified and change its quantity to the new number specified by store owner.
3) Make Sale
This feature allows store owner to record the sale of a product. Program asks user for the name of the product and how many of this product is sold. It will search the products in the system, find the product user specified and deducts the specified quantity from the inventory.
4) Inventory Report
This feature allows store owner to display inventory report. The report should display each product on a separate line. For each product, display the name, sale price and quantity. At the end of the report also display the worth of the whole inventory, worth of each product is quantity of that product times the sale price. The worth of the whole inventory is the sum of the worth of all products.
5) Authentication and Password protection
The system will need a password to start. Inventory report generation and changing inventory will also need the user to enter a valid password. The password should me at least 8 characters long and should have mixed case, digit and special character.
6) Exits the program.

Please Help me with this project.Give the complete source code and using structure.And I use codeblocks. Kindly respond as early as possible. Deadline in 5 September



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