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Need help in finding duplicates

  Asked By: Donna    Date: Sep 28    Category: MS Office    Views: 805

I'm having an excel sheet of morethan 500 rows and 20 coloumns filled with
employee details. I want to check in this whole excel any value is duplicated ie
Any Employee detail is duplicated.

Please help me in solving this problem.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Kim Cruz     Answered On: Sep 28

There are many, many, many,... er... and a few more ways
to do this.
which method depends on what you intend to do with the results
and how you want them presented.
Some techniques involve using worsheet formulas like countif.
Others may use the .find method in VBA
I have a sheet  with 4,000 user data records called "Employee".
I created a second sheet and used the formula:
e!A2),":",Employee!A2)," ")
in cell A2.
this looks for a matching value for A2 anywhere in column A (I didn't care if
the employee's
userid also appears anywhere other than the ID column)
I then copied it to the other cells.
If the count is > 1, then it shows the count and the value counted.
you can do something similar in VBA, and change the cell color for the
duplicated records.
it all depends on what the data looks like and what you want to do with it.
So... before we can help, we really need to know more details.
Saying "I want to check in this whole excel  any value is duplicated" it too
I mean, do you really want to know if two people have the same first name?
Or, do two people have the same phone number?
Or, what if someone's first name is the same as someone else's street address?
I suspect that "any value is duplicated" isn't exactly what you meant.
so, what types of employee data are you checking, and what do you want to do if
there is a duplicate?

Answer #2    Answered By: Adelbert Fischer     Answered On: Sep 28

Which version of Excel? Excel 2007 has a remove Duplicates function on the
Data ribbon.

Answer #3    Answered By: Bian Nguyen     Answered On: Sep 28

u can use Countif Function.
Record in duplicates  will show 2 or in triplicate will show 3 lik that......

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