How can I get the list of all printers from the local computer?I use System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrintersbut this property only return the local printers and I want as well thenetwork printers added on the local computer.
It's normal that all code that you execute in your code behind, won't do thejob, because it executes on the server and you only get server's printers. But Iam very sceptic about getting printer names with JavaScript... Maybe I'm wrong.
I need the printer list from the server.
So,how can I get the list of all printers from the server?I use System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrintersbut this property only return the local printers and I want as well thenetwork printers added on the server computer.If I call this propertyfrom a windows applications it returns the entire printer list (networkprinters as well).So, how can I get the list of all the printers?
I think InstalledPrinters property should also return all network printers, butyou must enshure there are any for your Web app user (default ASPNET user).Probably this is the problem.
You're going to need to switch ASP.Net over to a domain account whichhas printer access in order to do this, as the ASPNet user will not haveany rights on a machine other than the webserver.You can change the worker process' account in the processModel sectionof the machine.config file.