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  Asked By: Sam    Date: Jun 24    Category: Java    Views: 377

anyone know what for(;;) is?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Julia Hughes     Answered On: Jun 24

infinte loop......................

Answer #2    Answered By: Scarlett Hughes     Answered On: Jun 24

I see a for  loop like this:

for (init_statement; bound_checking; step_statement) {}

So, normally you would do this:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

But, if i is already defined, then you don't have to put it in the for loop:

int i = 3;
for ( ; i< 10; i++)

And let's say your loop ends only on specific conditions:

int i = 3;
for ( ; ; i++) {
if (condition1 && condition2)

Now let's say your step is defined somewhere in the loop:

int i = 3;
for ( ; ; ) {
if (condition1 && condition2)
i += someNumber;

Once you get to this point, for (;;) is the same as do .. while(true), which is
the same as while(true).

Answer #3    Answered By: Marina Smith     Answered On: Jun 24

Quick answer to your question - it is an infinite loop (no inital condition, no
conditional check, no increment!)...

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