Well, if you don't mind a quick and dirty inefficient program, here's
something that I think does what you want. You cd into the top of the
directory tree you want to look at, for example "cd /home/abc".
Then run it "find_big_files.pl > /tmp/log_file". The results should be
dumped into the log file. Of course, you have to put find_big_files.pl
somewhere on your $PATH
It's very slow to output anything if you run it in a directory that
has many files/subdirectories. If you cd into / and run it, better
plan to leave it overnight, and I can't speak for how much memory it
might use.
It may have bugs, I wrote it about as fast as I could type. For the
same reason, it's not very efficient.
But it does seem to work.
Feel free to improve and/or share it, under any version of the GPL you prefer.
I'll bet that after I post this, someone will come up with a one-liner
solution. :-)
# find_big_files.pl
# abc 5/2008
use warnings;
use strict;
my ($in_pipe);
my ($current_line);
my (%file_hash);
my ($key);
my ($entry);
unless (open ($in_pipe, "/usr/bin/find . -exec /bin/ls -ld {} \\; |"))
die "***ERROR*** Could not open pipe from find command, $!\n";
while ($current_line = <$in_pipe>)
chomp ($current_line);
$key = (split (/\s+/, $current_line))[4];
if ($key)
push @{$file_hash{$key}}, $current_line;
foreach $key (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %file_hash)
foreach $entry (@{$file_hash{$key}})
print "$entry\n";
close ($in_pipe);