If all you want to do is jump to another place in the same
spreadsheet, the quickes way is to hyperlink. Slap in some clip art
or draw a box w/your drawing tools. Right click and down near the
bottom of the list is 'Hyperlink'. When that box comes up you have a
few choices on the left hand side. One if them is 'Place in this
Document'. Click on that button and you can jump to specific cells in
specific sheets ('Project Data'!A1) via the address box at the top or
a named range (I love named ranges).
If you're opening up another workbook, you'll have to write a little
Sub Open()
ChDir "C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\Accounting.xls"
End Sub
Same button idea (clip art, drawing tools, etc.) Right click on your
clip art or drawn button and select 'Assign Macro', scroll through
the list, select it and hit OK.