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Error in program

  Asked By: Techguy    Date: Jan 27    Category: Java    Views: 567

I’m creating a game 4 in a row or connect four and I’m having serious
plroblems solving the game. Please help me. Here’s the code

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Testing12 extends Applet implements ActionListener
Button cleanGame;
boolean CanPlay = true;
Button [] [] tabela = new Button [8] [8] ;

Label WhichPlayer = new Label("Please Play Player: X");
Label AvailableHouses = new Label("Plays Still Available:
Label GiveSpace = new Label(" ");
Label WonGame = new Label(" ");

int playNumber = 0; //integer used to see what player is
int playsLeft = 63; //integer to count remainding plays
int countsLines = 0;

public void init()

cleanGame = new Button ("Clean Game");


this.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));

Panel p1 = new Panel ();
p1.setLayout (new FlowLayout ());
p1.add (cleanGame);
p1.add (GiveSpace);
p1.add (WhichPlayer);
p1.add (AvailableHouses);

Panel p2 = new Panel ();
p2.setLayout (new FlowLayout ());

Panel p3 = new Panel ();
p3.setLayout (new FlowLayout ());
p3.add (WonGame);

for (int x = 0; x<tabela.length; x++) //creates
the array of buttons
{ //with
labels that show their position in the board
for (int y = 0; y<tabela[x].length;
tabela [x] [y] = new
Button ("["+x+"]"+"["+y+"]");
p2.add (tabela[x] [y]);
tabela [x]


this.add (p1);
this.add (p2);
this.add (p3);


public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ae)
for (int x = 0; x < tabela.length; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < tabela[x].length; y++)
if (ae.getSource() == tabela[x] [y] )
if (CanPlay) //in case there are still plays in
the game available
if (playNumber%2 == 0) //if the remainder is
0, player X's turn to play
if ((tabela[x] [y]).getLabel() !=
("X")) //verifies the label of the button
//forcing the player to be able to
if ((tabela[x] [y]).getLabel() !=
("0")) //click a button only once

tabela[x] [y].setLabel("X");

while (tabela[x+1] [y].getLabel() ==

AvailableHouses.setText("Plays Still
Available: "+playsLeft);
WhichPlayer.setText("Please Play
Player: 0");


if (playNumber%2 != 0) //if the remainder is
not 0, player 0's turn to play
if ((tabela[x] [y]).getLabel() !=
("0")) //verifies the label of the button
//forcing the player to be able to
if ((tabela[x] [y]).getLabel() !=
("X")) //click a button only once

tabela[x] [y].setLabel("0");

AvailableHouses.setText("Plays Still
Available: "+playsLeft);
WhichPlayer.setText("Please Play
Player: X");


if (playsLeft < 0) // In case there are no more plays
available the game is over
CanPlay = false;
WhichPlayer.setText("Game's Over!");



public void paint (Graphics g)

protected boolean checkHorizontal(int x, int y)

//String WhichPlayer;
int contador = 1;

// checks left of current position
int posicaoOff = -1;

posicaoOff--; // goes further left
if(!IsInBounds(x+posicaoOff,y)) break;


// checks right of current position
posicaoOff = 1;
posicaoOff++; // goes further right
if(!IsInBounds(x+posicaoOff,y)) break;


// checks to see if there's 4 in a row horizontally
if(contador>=4) return true;
return false;


// method that checks if indexes of array are inside the board
private boolean IsInBounds(int x, int y)
if ((x >= 0) && (x<=7))
if ((y >= 0) && (y<=7))
return true;


return false;




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