I have an IBM Think Centre and I need to set up the bios to boot ona cd. I have tried all the F number keys. I tried f1 f2 throughf12 but have not been able to enter the bios. If someone can help meit will be appreciated
Try the DEL key..........................
I tried del and alt delete and the IBM screenflashes on for a moment and then opens My present program which isubuntu 8.04 but it runs on a different kernal for Emc 2. I alsowould like to boot from a cd or dvd but am having no luck. I bought thecomputer on line but the model number has been scratched off so I don'tknow what it is other than IBM Think Center. Anybody have any ideas??
You could always try setting the BIOS back to defaults via the motherboardjumper. At default settings, the screen that provides the 'enter BIOS' promptshould show up again. Unless, of course, IBM did something really obnoxiouswith the BIOS.
I did a google search and found this site which may or may nothelp. But it couldn't hurt to look and try.michaelstevenstech.com/bios_manufacturer.htm
did you try to press F1 after the POST and before the Boot ?
I had brought the old IBM in the house to use and put myHP out in the shed to temporarily run CNC with EMC2 . Today I bought anold computer for that purpose so I will set the IBM on the shelf as aspare. I would still like to get this one to start on a cd but will setaside a few days and then get back to it. I think I did what yousuggested but I will try again to be sure.
Have you tried the DEL key?..............