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Download From java.sun.com

  Asked By: Bastet    Date: Apr 28    Category: Java    Views: 3672

I am trying to download JDK 5.0 update 5.0 for one week from

But I cann't! The file seems to have 0 bytes, and the file would not

The same thing happens when we try to download J2EE 1.4_01 SDK, I
think we can not download any thing from java.sun.com.

Any Idea? Is it on of proscribes against Iran? How can we get the
files from sun?

We used to download everything from Sun without any problem.



15 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Scarlett Hughes     Answered On: Apr 28

That‘s exactly because you are downloading it from Iran. Use a proxy server which has a none Iranian IP address, then you can proceed with your download.

Answer #2    Answered By: Marina Smith     Answered On: Apr 28

Unfortunately, sun  limits the download  from it site for IRAN IP range. I
don't know about any tools for solving the problem. But I've made a trick
for it. If you have a host with an IP out of IRAN range you can simply
download your file from SUN into the hosting (by writing a simple servlet,
using URL connection and blah blah) and then download the file from host
machine directly to you machine

Answer #3    Answered By: Verner Fischer     Answered On: Apr 28

do you have anywhere I can upload the file? I can download  it
here and pass it to you guys. just let me know.

Answer #4    Answered By: Luz Hayes     Answered On: Apr 28

if you do not have anywhere to upload the JSSE, you
can join a shareware software as morpheus, Ares,
kazza or... and share your file then simply let us

Answer #5    Answered By: Vidos Fischer     Answered On: Apr 28

Sun restricts Iran's ip address.
you can download  jre from: java.com/en/download/download_the_latest.jsp
or you can download bea web logic 9.0 application server.after instalation you have jdk  1.5
in your system.

Answer #6    Answered By: Hoor Khan     Answered On: Apr 28

as it seems SUN has blocked the IP address for some
countries, including IRAN. I can't download  it either.
but I'm really curious to find a trick.
appreciate if anyone can help.

Answer #7    Answered By: Hugo Williams     Answered On: Apr 28

IP addresses that reside in Iran can not download  from sun. one solution is using ISPs which use non-iranian IPs that u may not find easily. other solution is coding ur own IP address which is a programming problem. last solution is using some proxy addresses. this may be the easiest way.

Answer #8    Answered By: Amelia Schmidt     Answered On: Apr 28

Some proxies put limit on the amount of download  so
you cannot download large files!

Another simple solution is to tell one of our friends
in US or Canada or whereever except those countries
which are in SUN's black list(!!!) to download those
files and put them in a ftp server so you can download
them. I also have linux version of j2se 1.4 and 1.5.

Answer #9    Answered By: Kristen Chavez     Answered On: Apr 28

you can use emule www.emule-project.net or sun download  manager

Answer #10    Answered By: Jennie Harris     Answered On: Apr 28

Yes, It is.
Sun's JSSE (integrated with JDK from version 1.4) has 128 bit encryption
alghorithms which is forbidden for several countries, among them Iran.

>How can we get the
> files from sun?
I have Linux versions. Call me, if it helps and I'll send it for you.

Answer #11    Answered By: Melissa King     Answered On: Apr 28

Try a public anonymous proxy from somewhere else, there's a long list
at http://www.proxy4free.com/page1.html

I use, which works good from my connection.

P.S. to test each proxy try 'telnet <ip> <port>' in windows or 'nc
<ip> <port>' in linux, to see if they're reachable.

Answer #12    Answered By: Clayton Richardson     Answered On: Apr 28

I am very curious about the proscribes against iran, what kind of
proscribes thoes iran have ?

I live in sweden and work with java/j2ee, i se that it is a good
knowledge on java  in this forum.
If i can help u with the practical around using java i gladly do.

Answer #13    Answered By: Adelinda Fischer     Answered On: Apr 28

as you wished to help this group for downloading the
latest version of JSSE, please, if possible, for a
short period, upload it somewhere and give us the
related link.
after all, it's not our fault to pay back.

Answer #14    Answered By: Tamara Nguyen     Answered On: Apr 28

I may be able to put the files(jdk 1.5 for windows and linux) on the web on saturday.
check http://ce.aut.ac.ir/~zoughi on saturday.
it would be great if you could remind me to do so by sending me an offline yahoo pm.
my yahoo id: vahid_ce2004.

Answer #15    Answered By: Ujala Hashmi     Answered On: Apr 28

Thanks for all your replies and helps. One of our colleagues emailed
me a very interesting URL which mirrors all public downloads. You can
find every version of jdk, jre.... in it.
Just Visit
It does not support resumes, but could be very useful.

Hope it will not be filtered, by Iranian ISPs or USA Government. As
you've noticed it will become hard to be an IT man in Iran, no one
wants you to have the cutting age technologies! Just imaging what will
happen if apache.org, hibernate.org, eclipse.org, sourceforge.org …
sites decide to filter Iran IP.

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