You could create a single table of strings with multiple languages,
looked up using id's.
Say we have a table accomodating US English, french, spanish, dutch,
German, and Japanese.
The table would contain:
id int
en_us varchar(255)
fr varchar(255)
es varchar(255)
nl varchar(255)
de varchar(255)
ja varchar(255)
A utility class would lookup the text using an id, which looks at the
currently selected Locale. It could default a String to the English
version if it hasn't been translated into the wanted language yet.
"select * from stories where date<=today"
for each row:
int id = row.storyId;
StringLibrary stringLib = StringLibrary.getInstance(); // singleton
String text = stringLib.lookup(id);
display text.
StringLibrary would do the lookups.