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Crystal Reports 10 for Tomcat 5.0

  Asked By: Kent    Date: Mar 12    Category: Java    Views: 1672

I have been following the following steps to configure Crystal
Reports 10 with Tomcat 5 . But I always get a stack trace saying that
the report location was not found. These are the steps that I have
been following.

1. On the Crystal Reports 10 CD, double-click 'CR10_Autorun_ENENT'.

2. Click 'Add Java Components'.

3. Complete the remaining steps to install the JRC.

1. Create a lib folder inside the Tomcat ...\ROOT\WEB-INF folder.

2. Copy the JAR files from the ...\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal
Decisions\2.5\java\lib folder into the ..\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib folder.

3. Copy the JAR files from the ...\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal
Decisions\2.5\java\lib\external folder into the ..\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib

4. Create a classes folder inside the Tomcat ...\ROOT\WEB-INF folder.

5. Copy the CrystalReportEngine-config.xml and Log4j.properties files
in ...\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.5\Java to the
classes folder.

6. Modify the 'report location' property in the
CrystalReportEngine-config.xml file to point to the location of your
report. By default, this property is set to the ROOT folder.

7. Copy the ...\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions\2.
5\crystalreportviewers10 folder to the TomCat ...\webapps\ROOT folder.

8. Open the 'web.xml' file that is located in the Tomcat ...
\ROOT\WEB-INF folder and specify the location of the
crystalreportviewers10 folder by adding a context parameter in the
web.xml file as follows:

<!-- Context Param -->
<!-- Context Param End -->

9. Restart the Apache Tomcat server.

You are now able to run your Java Reporting Component application on
the Apache Tomcat web application server.

Tomcat always says Report location not found. I feel that tomcat is
not able to read the CrystalReportEngine-config.xml file. Could some
body enlighten me on this issue.



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