Hi there everyone..
can anyone there help me with these two c++ projects.
any help will be much appreciated.
thanks in advance..
God Bless!
18.14 (Cryptograms) Write a program that creates a cryptogram out of a string. A cryptogram is
a message or word in which each letter is replaced with another letter. For example the string
The bird was named squawk
might be scrambled to form
cin vrjs otz ethns zxqtop
Spaces are not scrambled. In this particular case, 'T' was replaced with 'x', each 'a' was replaced
with 'h', etc. Uppercase letters become lowercase letters in the cryptogram.
18.15 (Solving Cryptograms) Modify Exercise 18.14 to allow the user to solve the cryptogram.
The user should input two characters at a time: The first character specifies a letter in the cryptogram, and the second letter specifies the replacement letter. If the replacement letter is correct, replace the letter in the cryptogram with the replacement letter in uppercase.