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Copying images and putting them into a text

  Date: Dec 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 476

Please tell me how can I copy an image (from a .jpg file) and paste it into
a text (.doc or .odt file).



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 24    

This one is partly solved by drag and drop and then resizing the pictures. But
when working with two document formats the pictures get messed up. This is the
case when copying pictures from Word documents to open documents.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 24    

Best thing to do is use the tool bar on top and insert the image. Its

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 24    

Open the program and insert the picture using the menus. In OpenOffice you go to
Insert | Picture > From file.

Or open the folder with the picture in it and right-click on it. Choose Copy
from the drop down menu and go into OpenOffice and go to where you want the
picture and go to Edit| Paste (or Ctrl-V). If you want more control over it so
the text flows around it make a Frame first by going to Insert | Frame.

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