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copy down formulas in excel

  Asked By: Richard    Date: Jun 24    Category: MS Office    Views: 1868

I have data and formulas in a dynamic named range that utilizes the "offset" function.
How can i automatically apply the formulas to a new row added?
By way of example suppose A1 and B1 contain "First name" and "Last name" data respectively. And C1 contains the formula "=CONCATENATE(A1," ",B1)".

As new names are added to the range, the named range grows.

How can I automatically get the formula in C1 to be entered into C2 as I add names (and other data) to A2 B2 and so on.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Forum Idea     Answered On: Aug 13

hi richard,

I hope, i have understood the issue bothering you and it is very simple. Just click the cell C1, take your mouse pointer to the extreme bottom right corner of the cell, it will turn to a "+" sign and then you have to only drag it down to get the formula automatically copied to the dragged cell.

Reply if this was not the issue or just send me the file to vijay@ideaunlimited.in

Answer #2    Answered By: Forum Idea     Answered On: Aug 13

hi richard,

I hope, i have understood the issue bothering you and it is very simple. Just click the cell C1, take your mouse pointer to the extreme bottom right corner of the cell, it will turn to a "+" sign and then you have to only drag it down to get the formula automatically copied to the dragged cell.

Reply if this was not the issue or just send me the file to forum@ideaunlimited.in

Answer #3    Answered By: Forum Idea     Answered On: Aug 13

hi richard,

I hope, i have understood the issue bothering you and it is very simple. Just click the cell C1, take your mouse pointer to the extreme bottom right corner of the cell, it will turn to a "+" sign and then you have to only drag it down to get the formula automatically copied to the dragged cell.

Reply if this was not the issue or just send me the file to forum@ideaunlimited.in

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