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How to build a large Swing application?

  Asked By: Bailey    Date: May 08    Category: Java    Views: 1072

I need to build a large Swing application. I read some
tutorial books and articles, but got disappointed because
each of them has only examples,
or very small example applications, none
of them talking about the considerations and practical
techniques in buiding large Swing applicaitons, or
none of them talking about these things systematically.
By considerations and techniques I mean

what patterns are most often used in what places.
how to manage/switch many screens
how to build fast applications
maintain menu item enabling/disabling status
application initialization
general application structure

I would be very grateful if anybody could provide any informaiton
about related sites or links or articles or books.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Viheke Fischer     Answered On: May 08

Install Borland JBuilder......................

Answer #2    Answered By: Jeanette Greene     Answered On: May 08

what is the relationship between JBuilder and my questions?
i am using IDEA, a very cool IDE tool.

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