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/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

  Date: Dec 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 1146

I know this is a common error, and I have tried to check out possible ways
to solve it, but without any luck.

When I boot into Ubuntu (2.6.20-15-generic), I am thrown into the initramfs
prompt, with the following error message: "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job
control turned off"

I have tried the steps mentioned here :
but the error continues to exist. I can get past this using "modprobe piix",
then "exit". But why does this error appear at all?? Why can't I get booted
into Ubuntu without getting stuck at the initramfs prompt?

Could you pls help?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 26    

solved his problem this way:

I am not sure if his problem was the same as yours or if the one that you
checked on the forums is the same. Most people are trying to load the LiveCd
when they get this error.

I am not sure what you did to bring this on. Perhaps you could backtrack and
think of something that occurred prior to seeing the error. For example, did you
press ctrl+alt+F7/F8 to initiate another session and not logout properly? Just

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 26    

Looks like this was a common error in Feisty... the cause can be many
things. A workaround is to type in "modprobe piix" and then "exit" at
the Busybox initramfs prompt. But the glitch is you have to do it
everytime you boot into the system. Anyone knows if this has been
resolved in Hardy?

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