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auto-restarting application server

  Asked By: Rose    Date: Apr 01    Category: Java    Views: 747

I am looking for a solution for auto-restarting an application server where it was crashed specially on Linux.
Some solution are product specific like NodeManager for Weblogic Application Server.
Additionaly I found some script that restarts a program when it was crashed but it seems that they were so raw and no particularly for context of servers.

Is any body knows a solution that is not for one specific product and is an accepted solution for need of keeping application servers service as more as possible?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: May Hansen     Answered On: Apr 01

my solution  is not specific  to app servers,

you can write a watchdog to monitor your process and start that as a cronjob. this is a generic solution, cause your app server  might go down and whatever listener you have might never get notified

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