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applets vs jsp

  Asked By: Hondo    Date: Feb 12    Category: Java    Views: 1704

I'm currently developing an online application that has rather
complex UI logic involving the user of comparators like INCLUDE,
EXCLUDE, LESS THAN etc. I'm pondering whether to use applets or jsp
for the front end. Will there be caching issues with using applets?
JSP design seems to be dependant on the monitor resolution, with
different resolutions some parts of the page might run. Any help
regarding the comparisons / recommendations of jsp/applets based UI
will be appreciated.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Mae Roberts     Answered On: Feb 12

There is a lot to consider in what kind of UI you are doing. My first
advice is to go ask the end  users what they would like. We could debate
what we have found to be good or bad until the cows come home, but until
you run  some spikes with end users /you/ will have no idea what is
efficient, effective and usable for /your/ users.

Other than finding out what your users want. I would consider a bunch of

One: some users might running a JVM older than then moon, and thus
(assuming everything works), is going to be slow and horrible to use.

Two: Some users might not even have a JVM on their boxes. JSP allows you
to disregard that fact and keep the java all server side.

Three: Applets have a lot of restrictions that require some forethought
on how to design  your product.

Four: What provides better business value to your customers. Which one
will allow you to develop your software faster, which will give you
higher reliability, which have you got more experience at.

Answer #2    Answered By: Freda Lane     Answered On: Feb 12

why don't you thing about building Java desktop application?...

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