Can I make an applet that is 100% wide in a HTML file?<APPLET CODE="Applet.class" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%"></APPLET>Would this be legal and work in most browsers?
I would say: to me it sounds legal, so I would say, just give it atry. The worst thing that can happen is that your browser doesn'tlike it and displays some error messages.And please let us know afterwards whether it went well or not, o.k.?
Well could you try looking at forme please, in Firefox it displays a small window, however, it shouldshow something thats as tall as a single line and as wide as the table,so in theory as wide as the screen. However, it doesnt seem to do that.
Well I had to replace the code with a parameter so I could showsomeone.. I dont think it works using variable widths..