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Alternatives to Gambas and Realbasic ?

  Date: Dec 13    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 798

I spent many days trying to find and test some IDEs that use a BASIC-like
language and can make standalone executables, just like Visual Basic.
Gambas is good, it is in the repositories, can easily be installed with sudo
aptitude install gambas2, it is easy to use and efficient and quite similar to
Visual Basic. Its disadvantage is, however, that the executables made in Gambas
need the "Gambas runtime environment". I tested them without having Gambas
installed and they did not work.
I found another programming environment, Realbasic
which makes standalone executables that work on the GNOME desktop (tested them
under Ubuntu), Xfce (tested under Xubuntu), Enlightenment (tested under gOS),
JWM (tested under Puppy Linux) and KDE (tested under Kubuntu, but did not work
under Slax).
I am using the "Free personal edition".
There is also Kbasic, but does not seem to work on GNOME
Another disadvantage is that the executables made in Realbasic are a lot
bigger than the equivalents made in Gambas.
Please, tell me, is there a free and open source alternative to Realbasic that
makes standalone executables ?
I tried to use Xbasic and to me it is a challenge to study it but it still
seems torture to me.
I do not have brains, time and patience for C++.

