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  Asked By: Jeannette    Date: Dec 12    Category: MS Office    Views: 981

How to use activecell.value with reference to sheet name?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Rochelle Elliott     Answered On: Dec 12

There is only one ActiveCell, not one per sheet. (Actually, there's one per
window, but I assume you don't have more than one window.)

You could activate the different sheets and make a reference  to their
individual active cells, then use those references later.

What are you trying to achieve?

Answer #2    Answered By: Silvia Chapman     Answered On: Dec 12

I want to get value of any cell lets say B5 in sheet4
My active sheet  is sheet1.

Answer #3    Answered By: Ty Thompson     Answered On: Dec 12

You cannot use the reference  as Activecell. value instead use

Sheets("Sheetname").Cells(Row No , Column No). Value.

Example :

Sheets("Sales"),cells(1,1).Value (Refers to Sales!$a$1)

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