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What is XAML

Posted By: Vivek Patel     Category: WPF     Views: 5761

This article will give you basic knowledge of what is XAML.

XAML (abbreviated from eXtensible Application Markup Language) is an XML child that is build by Microsoft to be used with Windows Presentation Foundation. XAML can be compared with some other markup languages such as HTML, XHTML or SVG that were used to declare user interfaces. But XAML has many major differences.

And XAML has striking benefits over older technologies and has an excellent implementation in conjunction with Windows Presentation Foundation.

One of the main goals of XAML is to separate the code logic of an application from its UI so it’s similar to MVC.

XAML represents .NET classes in a hierarchy manner so each element in XAML represents a CLR class. This has two advantages:
  • Extension will be easier because you can extend .NET classes easily.
  • Learning this markup language won’t be much different than learning Windows Presentation Foundation APIs because most things are shared between them.

Like all other XML based markup languages XAML consists of elements, attributes and namespaces. All XML rules can be applied to XAML but it has some own rules.

But generally XAML comes with these advantages:
  • Building user interfaces is easier and needs less code.
  • Transferring user interfaces designed with XAML between platforms is easy because they’re simple XML text files.
    * It’s possible to divide the process of designing a user interface between two groups and let markup designers work on layout and other stuff while some other developers work on the code logic. So it’s not necessary to have a programming knowledge to declare and design an interface because most things will be built with markup. This is very similar to the process of designing a web site. XHTML and CSS designers work on UI and ASP.NET developers write the code.

A large part of the learning curve for WPF and XAML consists of understanding the hierarchy of classes, their properties and their usage to apply them both in WPF and XAML.

Now, you have basics of what XAML is lets understand, XAML Layouts in details and how to use and create XAML.  Check out http://www.syntax-example.com/Code/basics-xaml-207.aspx


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Vivek Patel
Vivek Patel author of What is XAML is from United States. Vivek Patel says

I have started working in .Net Technology since its beta release and lucky to got chance to work on .Net 1.1, 2.0 and now working on .Net 3.5. I have worked in both C# and VB.Net for Asp.net Projects. I can also provide Sharepoint development needs. I can efficiently switch role from Tech Lead and Developer. I have comprehensive knowledge of Asp.net Development. I have been award Microsoft Most Valuable Award twice in Asp.net Technology.

Blog: http://dotnetguts.blogspot.com

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