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Simulation of an Airport

Posted By: Hannah Brown     Category: C Programming     Views: 6729

Program of Simulation of an Airport.

Code for Simulation of an Airport in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define MAX 3
#define ARRIVE 0
#define DEPART 1

struct plane
    int id ;
    int tm ;
} ;

struct queue
    int count ;
    int front ;
    int rear ;
       struct plane p[MAX] ;
} ;

void initqueue ( struct queue * ) ;
void addqueue ( struct queue *, struct plane ) ;
struct plane delqueue ( struct queue * ) ;
int size ( struct queue ) ;
int empty ( struct queue ) ;
int full ( struct queue ) ;

void initqueue ( struct queue *pq )
    pq -> count = 0 ;
    pq -> front = 0 ;
    pq -> rear = -1 ;

void addqueue ( struct queue *pq, struct plane item )
    if ( pq -> count >= MAX )
        printf ( "\nQueue is full.\n" ) ;
        return ;
    ( pq -> count )++ ;

    pq -> rear = ( pq -> rear + 1 ) % MAX ;
    pq -> p[pq -> rear] = item ;

struct plane delqueue ( struct queue *pq )
    struct plane p1 ;

    if ( pq -> count <= 0 )
        printf ( "\nQueue is empty.\n" ) ;
        p1.id = 0 ;
        p1.tm = 0 ;
        ( pq -> count )-- ;
        p1 = pq -> p[pq -> front] ;
        pq -> front = ( pq -> front + 1 ) % MAX ;
    return p1 ;

int size ( struct queue q )
    return q.count ;

int empty ( struct queue q )
    return ( q.count <= 0 ) ;

int full ( struct queue q )
    return ( q.count >= MAX ) ;

struct airport
    struct queue landing ;
    struct queue takeoff ;
    struct queue *pl ;
    struct queue *pt ;
    int idletime ;
    int landwait, takeoffwait ;
    int nland, nplanes, nrefuse, ntakeoff ;
    struct plane pln ;
} ;

void initairport ( struct airport * ) ;
void start ( int *, double *, double * ) ;
void newplane ( struct airport *, int, int ) ;
void refuse ( struct airport *, int ) ;
void land ( struct airport *, struct plane, int ) ;
void fly ( struct airport *, struct plane, int ) ;
void idle ( struct airport *, int ) ;
void conclude ( struct airport *, int ) ;
int randomnumber ( double ) ;
void apaddqueue ( struct airport *, char ) ;
struct plane apdelqueue ( struct airport *, char ) ;
int apsize ( struct airport, char ) ;
int apfull ( struct airport, char ) ;
int apempty ( struct airport, char ) ;
void myrandomize ( ) ;

void initairport ( struct airport *ap )
    initqueue ( &( ap-> landing ) ) ;
    initqueue ( &( ap -> takeoff ) ) ;

    ap -> pl = &( ap -> landing ) ;
    ap -> pt = &( ap -> takeoff ) ;
    ap -> nplanes = ap -> nland = ap -> ntakeoff = ap -> nrefuse = 0 ;
    ap -> landwait = ap -> takeoffwait = ap -> idletime = 0 ;

void start ( int *endtime, double *expectarrive, double *expectdepart )
    int flag = 0 ;
    char wish ;

    printf ( "\nProgram that simulates an airport with only one runway.\n" ) ;
    printf ( "One plane can land or depart in each unit of time.\n" ) ;
    printf ( "Up to %d planes can be waiting to land or take off at any time.\n", MAX ) ;
    printf ( "How many units of time will the simulation run?" ) ;
    scanf ( "%d", endtime ) ;
    myrandomize( ) ;
        printf ( "\nExpected number of arrivals per unit time? " ) ;
        scanf ( "%lf", expectarrive ) ;
        printf ( "\nExpected number of departures per unit time? " ) ;
        scanf ( "%lf", expectdepart ) ;

        if ( *expectarrive < 0.0 || *expectdepart < 0.0 )
            printf ( "These numbers must be nonnegative.\n" ) ;
            flag = 0 ;
            if ( *expectarrive + *expectdepart > 1.0 )
                printf ( "The airport will become saturated. Read new numbers? " ) ;
                fflush ( stdin ) ;
                scanf ( "%c", &wish ) ;
                if ( tolower ( wish ) == 'y' )
                    flag = 0 ;
                    flag = 1 ;
                flag = 1 ;
    } while ( flag == 0 ) ;

void newplane ( struct airport *ap, int curtime, int action )
    ( ap -> nplanes )++ ;
    ap -> pln.id = ap -> nplanes ;
    ap -> pln.tm = curtime ;

    switch ( action )
        case ARRIVE :
            printf ( "\n" ) ;
            printf ( "Plane %d ready to land.\n", ap -> nplanes ) ;
            break ;

        case DEPART :
            printf ( "\nPlane %d ready to take off.\n", ap -> nplanes ) ;
            break ;

void refuse ( struct airport *ap, int action )
    switch ( action )
        case ARRIVE :

             printf ( "\tplane  %d directed to another airport.\n", ap -> pln.id ) ;
             break ;

        case DEPART :

             printf ( "\tplane %d told to try later.\n", ap -> pln.id ) ;
             break ;
    ( ap -> nrefuse )++ ;

void land ( struct airport *ap, struct plane pl, int curtime )
    int wait ;

    wait = curtime - pl.tm ;
    printf ( "%d: Plane %d landed ", curtime, pl.id ) ;
    printf ( "in queue %d units \n", wait ) ;
    ( ap -> nland ) ++ ;
    ( ap -> landwait ) += wait ;

void fly ( struct airport *ap, struct plane pl, int curtime )
    int wait ;

    wait = curtime - pl.tm ;
    printf ( "%d: Plane %d took off ", curtime, pl.id ) ;
    printf ( "in queue %d units \n", wait ) ;
    ( ap -> ntakeoff )++ ;
    ( ap -> takeoffwait ) += wait ;

void idle ( struct airport *ap, int curtime )
    printf ( "%d: Runway is idle.\n", curtime ) ;
    ap -> idletime++ ;

void conclude ( struct airport *ap, int endtime )
    printf ( "\tSimulation has concluded after %d units.\n", endtime ) ;
    printf ( "\tTotal number of planes processed: %d\n", ap -> nplanes ) ;
    printf ( "\tNumber of planes landed: %d\n", ap -> nland ) ;
    printf ( "\tNumber of planes taken off: %d\n", ap -> ntakeoff ) ;
    printf ( "\tNumber of planes refused use: %d\n", ap -> nrefuse ) ;
    printf ( "\tNumber left ready to land: %d\n", apsize ( *ap, 'l' ) ) ;
    printf ( "\tNumber left ready to take off: %d\n", apsize ( *ap, 't' ) ) ;

    if ( endtime > 0 )
        printf ( "\tPercentage of time runway idle: %lf \n", ( ( double ) ap -> idletime / endtime ) * 100.0 ) ;

    if ( ap -> nland > 0 )
        printf ( "\tAverage wait time to land: %lf \n", ( ( double ) ap -> landwait / ap -> nland ) ) ;

    if ( ap -> ntakeoff > 0 )
        printf ( "\tAverage wait time to take off: %lf \n", ( ( double ) ap -> takeoffwait / ap -> ntakeoff ) ) ;

int randomnumber ( double expectedvalue )
    int n = 0 ;
    double em ;
    double x ;

    em = exp ( -expectedvalue ) ;
    x = rand( ) / ( double ) INT_MAX ;

    while ( x > em )
        n++ ;
        x *= rand( ) / ( double ) INT_MAX ;

    return n ;

void apaddqueue ( struct airport *ap, char type )
    switch ( tolower( type ) )
        case'l' :
              addqueue ( ap -> pl, ap -> pln ) ;
              break ;

        case't' :
              addqueue ( ap -> pt, ap -> pln ) ;
              break ;

struct plane apdelqueue ( struct airport *ap, char type )
    struct plane p1 ;

    switch ( tolower ( type ) )
        case'l' :
              p1 = delqueue ( ap -> pl ) ;
              break ;

        case't' :
              p1 = delqueue ( ap -> pl ) ;
              break ;

    return p1 ;

int apsize ( struct airport ap, char type )
    switch ( tolower ( type ) )
        case'l' :
              return ( size ( *( ap.pl ) ) ) ;

        case't' :
              return ( size ( *( ap.pt ) ) ) ;

    return 0 ;

int apfull ( struct airport ap, char type )
    switch ( tolower ( type ) )
        case'l' :
              return ( full ( *( ap.pl ) ) ) ;

        case't' :
              return ( full ( *( ap.pt ) ) ) ;

    return 0 ;

int apempty ( struct airport ap, char type )
    switch ( tolower ( type ) )
        case'l' :
              return ( empty ( *( ap.pl ) ) ) ;

        case't' :
              return ( empty ( *( ap.pt ) ) ) ;

    return 0 ;

void myrandomize( )
    srand ( ( unsigned int ) ( time ( NULL ) % 10000 ) ) ;

void main( )
    struct airport a ;
    int i, pri, curtime, endtime ;
    double expectarrive, expectdepart ;
    struct plane temp ;

    clrscr( ) ;

    initairport ( &a );

    start ( &endtime, &expectarrive, &expectdepart ) ;

    for ( curtime = 1 ; curtime <= endtime ; curtime++ )
        pri = randomnumber ( expectarrive ) ;

        for ( i = 1 ; i <= pri ; i++ )
            newplane ( &a, curtime, ARRIVE ) ;
            if ( apfull ( a, 'l' ) )
                 refuse ( &a, ARRIVE ) ;
                apaddqueue( &a, 'l' ) ;

        pri = randomnumber ( expectdepart ) ;
        for ( i = 1 ; i <= pri ; i++ )
            newplane ( &a, curtime, DEPART ) ;
            if ( apfull ( a, 't' ) )
               refuse ( &a, DEPART ) ;
               apaddqueue ( &a, 't' ) ;

        if (  ! ( apempty ( a, 'l' ) ) )
            temp = apdelqueue ( &a, 'l' ) ;
            land ( &a, temp, curtime ) ;
            if ( ! ( apempty ( a, 't' ) ) )
                temp = apdelqueue ( &a, 't' ) ;
                fly ( &a, temp, curtime ) ;
                idle ( &a, curtime ) ;

    conclude ( &a, endtime ) ;

    getch( ) ;

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Hannah Brown
Hannah Brown author of Simulation of an Airport is from London, United Kingdom.
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