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Program to perform operations like Count char,words and lines of file, display file in reverse, change case and frequency of a particular word in file

Posted By: Adelino Fischer     Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu     Views: 4571

Program to perform operations like Count char,words and lines of file, display file in reverse, change case and frequency of a particular word in file.

Code for Program to perform operations like Count char,words and lines of file, display file in reverse, change case and frequency of a particular word in file in Unix / Linux / Ubuntu

# temp=0
echo "Enter the file name"
read f1

if [ -f $f1 ] 

echo "1.Count char,words and lines"
echo "2.File in Reverse"
echo "3.Frequency of a particular word in file"
echo "4.Change of Case"
echo "5.Exit"

echo "Enter your choice ?"
read ch

case $ch in
    1) wc -c $f1 
       echo " characters"
       wc -w $f1 
       echo " words"
       wc -l $f1 
       echo " lines";;

     3)  echo "Enter the word whose occurences has to be found out "
         read c
         t=`echo $f1|wc -c`
         echo $t;;


echo "File does not exists !!!!"

Adelino Fischer
Adelino Fischer author of Program to perform operations like Count char,words and lines of file, display file in reverse, change case and frequency of a particular word in file is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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