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!< ( Not Less Than ) Comparison Operator

Posted By: Sarita Patel     Category: SQL Server     Views: 1669

This article describes use of !< ( Not Less Than ) comparison operator with different examples.

Not less than operator compares two expressions. When you compare two nonnull expression and left hand operand dose not have lower value than right hand operator then the result is TRUE and otherwise the result is FALSE. When you set 
ANSI_NULLS  ON and any of the expressions are null then the result is null. When you set 
ANSI_NULLS OFF and any of the expressions are null then the result set is FALSE. But if both expressions are null then the result set is TRUE.

Syntax of !< ( Not Less Than ) Comparison Operator :

expression !< expression

Where expression is any valid sql expression. Both expression must have implicitly convertible data types. Not less than operator returns boolean value TRUE or FALSE. 

Examples of !< ( Not Less Than ) Comparison Operator :

Example 1 :  Use of not less than operator to compare values of table fields.

SELECT ComparedPrice =
                       WHEN SoldPrice !< ActualPrice THEN 'SoldPrice is not less than ActualPrice of  ' +                                                                                         ProductName
                       ELSE  'SoldPrice can be less than or equal to ActualPrice of ' + ProductName
FROM Products

SoldPrice is not less than ActualPrice of  Chai
SoldPrice can be less than or equal to ActualPrice of Chang
SoldPrice is not less than ActualPrice of  Aniseed Syrup
SoldPrice is not less than ActualPrice of  Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning
SoldPrice can be less than or equal to ActualPrice of Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix

Above example describes use of not less than operator to compare SoldPrice and ActualPrice field values of table. 

Example  2 : Comparing value of two variables. 

DECLARE @Unit1 INT, @Unit2 int 
SET @Unit1 = 20
SET @Unit2 = 10

IF(@Unit1 !< @Unit2)  
           PRINT 'Unit1 is not less than Unit2.'
           PRINT 'Unit1 is less than or equal to Unit2.'

Unit1 is not less than Unit2.

Above example explains use of not less than comparison operator to compare two variables. 

Example 3 : Use of not less than operator in select query.

DECLARE @Unit1 INT, @Unit2 INT 
SET @Unit1 = 20
SET @Unit2 = 10

SELECT Message =
                        WHEN @Unit1 !< @Unit2 THEN 'Unit1 is not less than Unit2.'
                        ELSE 'Unit1 is less than or equal to Unit2.'

Unit1 is not less than Unit2.

Above example describes use of not less than comparison operator in sql query. We can use not less than operator in select query to compare variable or fields of table.


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Sarita Patel
Sarita Patel author of !< ( Not Less Than ) Comparison Operator is from United States.
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