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COUNT_BIG Function

Posted By: Sarita Patel     Category: SQL Server     Views: 4409

This article explains COUNT_BIG function of sql server with different examples.

COUNT_BIG function is used to count particular item in a group. It returns number of items in a group. It works same as COUNT function. The difference between COUNT and COUNT_BIG function is COUNT function returns integer and COUNT_BIG function returns big integer.    

Note that  :

COUNT_BIG(*) returns the number of items in a group including NULL values and duplicates.

COUNT_BIG (ALL expression) evaluates expression for each row in a group and returns the number of nonnull values.

COUNT_BIG (DISTINCT expression) evaluates expression for each row in a group and returns the number of unique nonnull values.


Syntax of COUNT Function :

COUNT_BIG( { [ ALL | DISTINCT ] expression ] | * } )

ALL is the default. It means all values to be count.

DISTINCT means COUNT returns the number of unique nonnull values.

Expression is an expression of any type except uniqueidentifier, text, image, or ntext. Aggregate functions and subqueries are not permitted.

* means all rows should be counted to return the total number of rows in a table. COUNT_BIG (*) takes no parameters and cannot be used with DISTINCT. COUNT_BIG (*) does not require an expression parameter because, by definition, it does not use information about any particular column. COUNT_BIG (*) returns the number of rows in a specified table without eliminating duplicates. It counts each row separately, including rows that contain null values.

It returns an integer.

Examples of COUNT_BIG Funtion :

Example 1 : Using COUNT_BIG function in SELECT clause to get total records in a table


FROM   Products



Above example displays the total number of records in a product table using count function. It considers all values in a group including null and duplicates.


Example 2 : Using COUNT_BIG function in SELECT clause to get total product in invoices table


FROM   Invoices


Above example displays the total number of product in a invoices table using count function. It considers all values in a group including duplicate values.


Example 3 : Using COUNT function and DISTINCT in SELECT clause to get unique products in invoices table


FROM   Invoices


Above example displays the total number of unique product in a invoices table using count function. It considers all values in a group which has unique values.



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Sarita Patel
Sarita Patel author of COUNT_BIG Function is from United States.
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