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Detection of errors in scanf input

Posted By: George Evans     Category: C Programming     Views: 3807

program illustrates the testing for correctness of reading of data by scanf function.

Code for Detection of errors in scanf input in C Programming

       int a;                                                  
       float b;                                                
       char c;                                               
       printf("Enter values of a, b and c\n");                 
       if (scanf("%d %f %c", &a, &b, &c) == 3)                 
          printf("a = %d  b = %f   c = %c\n" , a, b, c);       
          printf("Error in input.\n");                         
Output      Enter values of a, b and c                                  
   12  3.45  A                                                 
   a = 12  b = 3.450000   c = A                                
   Enter values of a, b and c                                  
   23  78  9                                                   
   a = 23  b = 78.000000   c = 9                               
   Enter values of a, b and c                                  
   8  A  5.25                                                  
   Error in input.                                             
   Enter values of a, b and c                                  
   Y  12  67                                                   
   Error in input.                                             
   Enter values of a, b and c                                  
   15.75  23  X                                                
   a = 15  b = 0.750000   c = 2                                                                                    

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George Evans
George Evans author of Detection of errors in scanf input is from London, United Kingdom.
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