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Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form

Posted By: Rafael Costa     Category: C Programming     Views: 8176

Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form.

Code for Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAX 50

struct postfix
    int stack[MAX] ;
    int top, nn ;
    char *s ;
} ;

void initpostfix ( struct postfix * ) ;
void setexpr ( struct postfix *, char * ) ;
void push ( struct postfix *, int ) ;
int pop ( struct postfix * ) ;
void calculate ( struct postfix * ) ;
void show ( struct postfix ) ;

void main( )
    struct postfix q ;
    char expr[MAX] ;

    clrscr( ) ;

    initpostfix ( &q ) ;

    printf ( "\nEnter postfix expression to be evaluated: " ) ;
    gets ( expr ) ;

    setexpr ( &q, expr ) ;
    calculate ( &q ) ;
    show ( q ) ;

    getch( ) ;

/* initializes data members */
void initpostfix ( struct postfix *p ) { p -> top = -1 ; } /* sets s to point to the given expr. */
void setexpr ( struct postfix *p, char *str ) { p -> s = str ; } /* adds digit to the stack */
void push ( struct postfix *p, int item ) { if ( p -> top == MAX - 1 ) printf ( "\nStack is full." ) ; else { p -> top++ ; p -> stack[p -> top] = item ; } } /* pops digit from the stack */
int pop ( struct postfix *p ) { int data ; if ( p -> top == -1 ) { printf ( "\nStack is empty." ) ; return NULL ; } data = p -> stack[p -> top] ; p -> top-- ; return data ; } /* evaluates the postfix expression */
void calculate( struct postfix *p ) { int n1, n2, n3 ; while ( *( p -> s ) ) { /* skip whitespace, if any */
if ( *( p -> s ) == ' ' || *( p -> s ) == '\t' ) { p -> s++ ; continue ; } /* if digit is encountered */
if ( isdigit ( *( p -> s ) ) ) { p -> nn = *( p -> s ) - '0' ; push ( p, p -> nn ) ; } else { /* if operator is encountered */
n1 = pop ( p ) ; n2 = pop ( p ) ; switch ( *( p -> s ) ) { case'+' : n3 = n2 + n1 ; break ; case'-' : n3 = n2 - n1 ; break ; case'/' : n3 = n2 / n1 ; break ; case'*' : n3 = n2 * n1 ; break ; case'%' : n3 = n2 % n1 ; break ; case'$' : n3 = pow ( n2 , n1 ) ; break ; default : printf ( "Unknown operator" ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } push ( p, n3 ) ; } p -> s++ ; } } /* displays the result */
void show ( struct postfix p ) { p.nn = pop ( &p ) ; printf ( "Result is: %d", p.nn ) ; }

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Rafael  Costa
Rafael Costa author of Program to evaluate an expression entered in postfix form is from Salvador, Brazil.
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