It did not work here and after half a day of various attempts I succeeded after
making this :
1. opening a terminal and executing the following in it :
mjpg_streamer -i " -r 320x240 -f 6 -y" -o " -p 8080"
and letting this terminal open as long as zoneminder works ;
2. applying following configuration to zoneminder on my laptop :
- General :
Monitor-1 Remote Monitor 320.00 240.00 7
- Source :
HTTP Simple localhost 8080 ?action=stream 24bit_colour 320 240 Normal
- Options :
videostream < browser mpeg
It worked on my laptop with integrated webcam. I had tried several times without
success (the source remaining allways "red") during the last two years and I
must recognize that the article in Full Circle was not enough but was of a very
great help.