I was wondering where you saw that (4 tabs ...) and just now noticed
it's what's presented when "File -> Export as PDF". My format is also
defaulted to FDF (and I have no idea (yet) what that means -- I'm not
an OpenOffice expert by any means and I'm still struggling with some
formatting issues).
What I've been doing is simply clicking the [PDF] button ("Export
Directly as PDF") in the next-to-top toolbar and to the left of the
[Print File Directly] button.
The biggest "problem" I've had copy'n'pasting some web pages into OO
is finding the right spot at which to begin the copy portion, esp. when
pictures and/or graphics are in the range. Sometimes beginning at
the lower-right corner of the range works best (and working backwards)
and some times the upper-right corner of the range. With a "clean"
web page the upper-left corner of the range generally works fine. And
some web pages are just plain nasty, requiring a lot of trial'n'error.
Sometimes a range has to be broken into 2 or 3 sections to get-around
ads or other material that's not part of the article. Experimenting
to get it "right" is the only answer, and also liberal use of the
"Edit -> Undo: Paste clipboard" (or Ctrl-Z) until it's "right". :-)