I thought I should include some more information.
I typed "glxinfo | grep render" in terminal to find the video driver installed
on my system and I got the following results:
"direct rendering: YesOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RV380 5460)
20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL DRI2"
From the above information it does not seem to me that I have got the right
driver installed? Any suggestions?
I also tried to go to "Sytem > Administration > Hardware drivers", no
proprietary driver appear in the list.
The more i read on forums and investigate this problem, the more I become sure
that I am using a wrong graphics driver? I know that some people would say that
ubuntu needs a big resource power house, but, I still think that my laptop has
enough specs to deal with ubuntu.
Apologies for the long email.