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  on Dec 03 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 03

I don't know why you aren't getting a subject field. I do in Kubuntu 10.04,
FF 3.6. That is the way I always access the forums.

Linux mounts devices as you need them unless you have it set so that it
mounts all of your devices when you boot up. In the menu you will see,
Places at the top. Go there and you can open various places using the file
manager, Nautilus. If it does not appear in the list, go to Removable Media.
Devices may be called this even if it isn't removable because the device is
not mounted and therefore does not appear to exist. Conversely you can just
open the file manager and choose the device from the tree on the left side.

Linux labels devices differently from Windows. Drives are either hda, hdb,
etc. or sda, sdb, etc. depending on the type of drive, ide, usb or sata.
Partitions get numbers appended to the drive. The first partition on sda
would be sda1 and the second would be sda2, etc. You can also give drives
labels using the partition manager so that sbb1 could be labelled Data, for
example. Linux drives will not show in Windows unless you have added third
party utilities to read Linux file formats, but Linux cna read and write to
fat and ntfs drives.

Running from the LiveCD gives you a taste of what Linux is like, but it
isn't meant to be a solution. It is much slower to run from the CD, you
can't add applications and you can't update for newer packages
(applications, etc.).

Age is only a limitation, if you see it as one. :) You can learn anytime. It
just takes longer. Be patient. Be persistent. Ask lots of questions.

You might want to consider moving to the next stage and install Ubuntu. You
can do this in a couple of different ways. One relies on Windows and
involves no partitioning and the other involves installing to a drive or
partitioning an existing drive. The first case is called Wubi which stands
for Windows Ubuntu Installer. It sets up a Linux image file inside Widnows
and then when you re-boot this image is mounted as if it was a drive. You
instal Ubuntul inside Windows and you can remove it from tthere. Installing
to adrive or partion isn't very daunting anymore as Ubuntu has been doing
this for years and have it down to fewer clicks than installing Windows and
they make partitioning quite easy. If you have Windows installed, you can
run what is called dual boot. In this case Widnows is preserved and you can
choose which OS to run when you re-boot.



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