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  on Dec 17 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 17

Thank you for noticing this default 'windows' download problem! (since
I'm not running 'windows!') I bought the PC Linux 2007 and Dreamlinux
3.1 disks today, hopefully to be rid of "Windows" completely...soon!
cvs subversion did load, but in my attempts to compensate in other
ways with synaptics, I tried downloading the dpkg, couldn't wait for
it to finish, looked like it hung anyway, now it won't load synaptic
at all asking me to 'dpkg --configure -a' and when I do, it replies:
operation requires superuser privilege! (don't know why it won't just
ask for my root password...), and none of the dhelp will uninstall
dpkg! so i'm giving this up... Sooner rather than later i hope,
thanks to your fine directions... will keep you posted, especially if
it works, clear and free! best to you



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