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  on Dec 13 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 13

Your low resolution indicates one of two things. Either you have the wrong
graphics driver installed or a generic monitor detected. The low settings
indicate the use of a generic driver instead of a specific one. My experience is
that it is better to use the restricted driver, rather than the open source one.
Open System| Administration| Hardware Drivers and it will search for drivers and
recommend one. Scroll the list to find the one that is recommended. You could
also use Synaptic and search for Nvidia and read the descriptions to find the
one that matches yours. The first one is easier. Failing this you can build one
using Envy. This is out of date, but it gives you the idea of how to use Envy.

This is the Envy site: http://albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A

Try the Hardware Drivers method first. Then Synaptic and Envy last.
