On other thing. There are several hp printer applications installed in
Ubuntu that do not show up in the menus. Open a terminal and type:
$ hp
Then press the tab key. You should see the following:
lee@linXos:~$ hp
hp-align hpijs hplj1005 hp-print hp-testpage
hp-clean hp-info hplj1018 hp-probe hp-timedate
hp-colorcal hpiod hplj1020 hp-sendfax hp-toolbox
hp-fab hp-levels hp-makecopies hp-setup hp-unload
hp-firmware hplj1000 hp-makeuri hpssd
Then run, for example. "hp-toolbox:
$ hp-toolbox
You can check for optional startup parameters by passing the --help
option. For example:
$ hp-print --help