Is this one your home setup, with two routes you control? Do you know the
correct passwords? I gather you never get connected wirelessly... or am I
just not understanding? You may need to plug in the Ethernet cable so the
system can be upgraded before your Wifi card will function.
Have you tried disabling all security settings on the router? If it then
connects easily then you can try implementing WAP. Only run "wide open"for
testing purposes.
Check your Wifi channel settings too, on the router. You need to use the
clearest unoccupied channel which may require some trial and error.
I've seen one router appear twice, especially if it can use some advanced
authentication method (forget what its called). If I connect to the right
one first it never asks for a second password.
Are you using Oneiric? It's number is 11 (for 2011) dot 10 (came out in
October, 10 th month). Its easy to get confused if you drop part of the
number. Or do you mean Natty, as the first release last year. Since it came
out in April it is officially 11.04.
Just some random thoughts put out in the hope that something may help.