In addition to this, if you do use another linux besides Mepis Anti-X, you'll
need to edit the boot line of the menu.lst firle in /boot/grub in order for the
installation to boot up with the desired parameters. I either had to put in
vga=ask and then it was fine, or, vga=0F05 and acpi=off noapic nolapic. With
some linux distros, I cant recall which, it seems to me the fan wouldnt turn on
for cooling the system, just make sure you check or you might burn it out. Anti
x booted on my 600mhz VAIO FX101 in 85 seconds! Puppy did it in about 65. I
chose not to use puppy because they had archive issues for their programs, I
couldnt install OpenOffice or other programs I wanted and it didnt come with
synaptic either.