I had a quick glance at your code.
First, I would advise you to call your sub from the initialize event of the
forn and not the activate event.
Second, and only to help you in the future, I would advise you to name your
strFormName as string and not varFormName as String
This should make reading and understanding your code easier later on.
And now to the point:
What is the name of your form? what is "frmStart "?
is frmStart the name of your form. If so, you should access its caption by the
frmStart.caption and not userform(frmStart).caption
I have written a small code to try to make this point clear. I hope this will
help you:
Try the following code. Please note the name of myform is "UserForm1" - this
is the default name of the first form. Change this as per your need.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Call SetFormCaption
End Sub
Sub SetFormCaption()
Dim strFormName As String
strFormName = UserForm1.Caption
strFormName = lblCaptionTitle & ": " & strFormName
UserForm1.Caption = strFormName
End Sub