the problem here is that you're assuming that a .dwg file is an ASCII file.
It is not.
Therefore, when you try to read in a "line" from the file, there will be only
one line
(since there are no CRLF characters)
and it will look something like:
Û8Š·ÏArQ< ÑãpcB*€x"&D[?7Õ3 DØÀ@ …—!p
which is not something I would like to repeat in public.
Tim still needs to figure out how to launch the AutoCAD application and have VBA
interrogate the table data.
Using the Shell command, I think you can launch autocad with a filename as a
command line option.
but you still have to find the VBA coding to get the file export.
You MIGHT be able to use a combination of Shell, AppActivate, and SendKeys to
send the keystrokes necessary to export the table.
But I don't think you're going to get around the need to launch the AutoCAD