There really are not any dumb questions - just those which go unasked.
The best way to get your feet wet with VBA is to use the macro Recorder
and then decipher the results. So, if you have not found the Macro
Recorder in Excel, Tools -> Macro -> Record New Macro. Perform your
steps and then click the stop button on the Recording Toolbar. ALT+F11
will bounce you into the VBE window so you can review your results.
One other thing you should play with is turning Relative References on
and off when you are recording different macros so you can see the
results where you have specifically placed your cursor, versus placing
your cursor down two cells and over two.
Give that a whirl and let us know if you need more specifics.
Also, in the links area of this group, there are links to some excellent
references for VBA Coding in Excel. However, you need to have a Yahoo
ID to access them.
Here is a link to further information regarding using arrays in Excel: