using your code one can create a function that will pull out any
block of consecutive numeric or alphabetic characters. The first
limitation I've found however is that the code requires the string input
to begin with numeric data.
Function CharStrings(ByVal cell As String, group As Double)
Dim Strng As String, aChr As String
Dim i As Integer, idx As Integer
Dim str(10) As String
Strng = cell
For i = 1 To 10: str(i) = "": Next i
idx = 0
For i = 1 To Len(Strng)
aChr = Mid(Strng, i, 1) ' find the character
If InStr("0123456789", aChr) > 0 Then ' is it numeric
If Int(idx / 2) * 2 = idx Then idx = idx + 1
If Int(idx / 2) * 2 <> idx Then idx = idx + 1
End If
str(idx) = str(idx) & aChr
Next i
CharStrings = str(group)
End Function